@article{oai:twinkle.repo.nii.ac.jp:00021362, author = {HASEGAWA, Hideomi and NISHIYAMA, Keiko and MIYAZAWA, Miki and TSUKAMOTO, Kanako and OHSAWA, Gakuji and YOKOMIZO, Hajime and YOSHIMATSU, Kazuhiko and OGAWA, Kenji and KODAKA, Mitsuharu and KOMORI, Makiko}, issue = {6/7}, journal = {東京女子医科大学雑誌}, month = {Jul}, pages = {145--148}, title = {Experience with Epidural and Spinal Anesthesia in a Patient with Severe Bilateral Stenosis of the Internal Carotid Arteries Who Underwent Resection of the Transverse Colon}, volume = {80}, year = {2010} }