@article{oai:twinkle.repo.nii.ac.jp:00019603, author = {塩澤, 俊一 and 土屋, 玲 and 金, 達浩 and 碓井, 健文 and 吉松, 和彦 and 勝部, 隆男 and 成高, 義彦 and 小川, 健治}, issue = {7/8}, journal = {東京女子医科大学雑誌}, month = {Aug}, note = {Transfemoral arterial angiography (TFA), an approach through the femoral artery, remains the mainstay of intervention in the abdominal region, whereas transradial arterial angiography (TEA), an approach through the radial artery, is very rarely used as a first-choice procedure at many institutions. We developed a catheter for TRA in 1999, and could successfully systematize TRA in the abdomen. The successful intervention rate, testing duration, and complications of TRA were equivalent to those of TFA that has conventionally been used. The major advantages offered by the use of TRA are post-intervention hemorrhage being readily controllable, almost no hemorrhagic complications, and the absence of restriction in walking and ADL after TRA. Since TRA reduces patients' burden, we consider it a promising technique for intervention in the abdominal field that will be more widely used for the future.}, pages = {189--195}, title = {経橈骨動脈的腹部血管造影の臨床的評価}, volume = {75}, year = {2005} }