@article{oai:twinkle.repo.nii.ac.jp:00019551, author = {MATSUNAMI, Katsuhiro and HASEGAWA, Masaharu and TAKASAKI, Ken}, issue = {6}, journal = {東京女子医科大学雑誌}, month = {Jun}, note = {症例は35歳女性.健診で肝機能障害を指摘され当院を受診し,触診で左季肋下に腫瘤を触知し病変を指摘された.US,CTで左腹部,膵の下方と腸間腹に接し約10cm大の石灰化と隔壁構造を伴う腫瘤を認め,左腎静脈を圧排していた.血管造影で上腸間膜動脈の分枝に栄養血管を認めた.以上の画像所見から左腎静脈近傍に発生した後腹膜腫瘍と診断し,開腹手術を施行した.腫瘍は腎静脈の前面に接し,結腸間膜,膵下面,左腎前面に癒着していたが,腎静脈を温存し腫瘍を摘出した.摘出標本は7×8×6cmで厚い線維性の被膜に覆われ,出血と壊死を伴った.病理組織は紡錘型の核を有する紡錘形細胞が粗に増殖し,部分的には棚状配列を呈し密に増生する部分が混在していた.腫瘍細胞に明らかな異型はなく核分裂像は認めず,良性の後腹膜神経鞘腫と診断した.後腹膜の神経鞘腫は稀であり,若干の文献的考察を加えて報告する., A 35-year-old-woman was admitted to hospital after a medical check-up revealed signs of liver dysfunction. On physical examination, a palpable mass was found on the left side of her upper abdomen. Abdominal ultrasound (US) and computerized tomography (CT) showed a 10 cm cystic mass compressing the left renal vein adjacent to the mesenterium and inferior to the pancreas. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) demonstrated a retroperitoneal mass with solid and cystic components. The surgical and pathohistological findings enabled a final diagnosis of benign retroperitoneal schwannoma. Nerve sheath tumors in the retroperitoneum are infrequent. Here, a very rare case of a benign retroperitoneal schwannoma arising in the hilus of the left kidney is presented.}, pages = {169--173}, title = {A Case of Primary Retroperitoneal Schwannoma Arising in the Hilus Renalis}, volume = {75}, year = {2005} }