@article{oai:twinkle.repo.nii.ac.jp:00017872, author = {IMAIZUMI, Tomoichi and IMAIZUMI, Chizuko and OSAWA, Makiko}, issue = {E1}, journal = {東京女子医科大学雑誌}, month = {Jun}, note = {小児科学教室大澤真木子教授開講5周年記念特集, 乳児期の無呼吸発作には様々な原因があるが,てんかん性無呼吸発作は極めて稀である.一方,Brachmann-de Lange症候群の約20%にてんかん発作を認めるが,我々の調べた限りではてんかん性無呼吸発作を伴った症例は報告されていない.我々は,頻回のてんかん性無呼吸発作を認めたBrachmann-de Lange症候群の1乳児例の発作時ポリグラフについて報告する.発作時ポリグラフでは,無呼吸に先だって左前頭極部に突発性θ波が認められた.部分発作は,無呼吸発作の鑑別疾患の一つであり,発作時ポリグラフが診断の唯一の方法である., We describe a case of Brachmann-de Lange syndrome in an infant who had repeated life-threatening episodes of epileptic apnea, and we report a polygraphic recording made while monitoring changes in oxygen saturation. Focal ictal paroxysmal theta-wave activity in the left frontal pole region preceded the apnea. Partial seizures should be included in the differential diagnosis of apnea, and the only way to make a conclusive diagnosis is by polygraphic ictal EEG recording during an apneas spell.}, pages = {E97--E100}, title = {A Case of Brachmann-de Lange Syndrome Associated with Epileptic Apnea(Papers for Cerebrating the Fifth Aniversary of the Directorship of Prof. M. Osawa at the Department of Pediatrics, Tokyo Women's Medical University)}, volume = {70}, year = {2000} }