@article{oai:twinkle.repo.nii.ac.jp:00017661, author = {NAKAGAWA, Takao and SUGA, Hiroyasu and YOKOYAMA, Toshimitsu and FUKAYA, Takeshi and FUJITA, Kunihiro and DEGUCHI, Yoshizumi}, issue = {9/10}, journal = {東京女子医科大学雑誌}, month = {Oct}, note = {内ヘルニアは,異常な間隙を通して,腹腔内臓器が本来の正常な部位から腹腔内の他の部位に脱出する状態で比較的稀な疾患であるが,とりわけ盲傷窩に生じた内ヘルニアは稀である.症例は74歳,女性で,主訴は腹痛,嘔吐である.レントゲン検査で小腸ガスを認め,CTで門脈ガス血栓,腸管気腫症を認め,血管造形では回腸末端の血流が不良であった.血管造影所見から盲腸窩ヘルニアを疑い緊急手術を施行した.手術所見は,腹水を中等量認めたが,性状は黄色透明であった.回腸末端の腸管20cmが上回盲窩に入り込み嵌頓しており盲腸窩ヘルニアと診断した.用手的にヘルニアを解除したが,回腸の一部は血流の改善を認めなかったため,同部の切除を行った.術後はARDSを合併したが,呼吸管理と薬物療法により救命した.若干の文献的考察を加えて報告する., An internal hernia is a relatively rare disease in which a peritoneal organ protrudes through an abnormal opening within the confines of the abdominal cavity. Of the various forms of internal hernia, cecal hernia is even rarer. The patient in the present report was a 74-year-old woman with abdominal pain and vomiting as the chief complaints. X-rays confirmed gas in the small intestine, and CT scans showed portal venous gas and intestinal pneumatosis. Furthermore, angiography revealed poor blood circulation at the end of the ileum. As a result, cecal hernia was suspected, and an emergency operation was performed. Even though a moderate quantity of ascites fluid was confirmed, it was transparent with a yellow tint. Since the end (20cm) of the ileum was incarcerated into the superior ileocecal fossa, the patient was diagnosed as having cecal hernia. The hernia was surgically relieved, but a part of the ileum had turned dark red and the blood circulation did not improve, thus the necrotic area was excised. Although the patient had postoperative acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS), the patient's life was spared by respiratory management and drug therapy. The present report describes the treatment of this patient while citing some relevant references.}, pages = {637--642}, title = {A Case of a Cecal Hernia Accompanied by Portal Venous Gas}, volume = {69}, year = {1999} }