@article{oai:twinkle.repo.nii.ac.jp:00016971, author = {武田, 佳彦}, issue = {4}, journal = {東京女子医科大学雑誌}, month = {Apr}, note = {Intrauterine growth retardation (IUGR) and chronic hypoxia are two major clinical features of IUGR. Uteroplacental insufficiency causes impairment of placental nutritional transport that results in fetal growth retardation. On the other hand, uteroplacental insufficiency also develops chronic hypoxia that associates with a series of hemodynamic changes and finally fetal distress is manifested. We have established new principle in management by response of fetal head growth. When head growth stop more than 1~2 weeks, delivery of the baby should be indicated, even if abnormal cardio-tocogram may not appeared. The infusion of heparin and antithrombin III (ATIII) for growth retardation and intermittent oxygen inhalation (FiO_2 0.4) for chronic hypoxia were effective as intrauterine treatment.}, pages = {161--170}, title = {胎内発育障害の臨床(特別講演,東京女子医科大学学会第63回総会特集)}, volume = {68}, year = {1998} }